
Our care home staff and activities coordinators offer activities to keep residents in lifestyles that are as similar as possible to their home lives.

They enjoy independence and the freedom to choose how they spend their day. Our staff are always on hand to support residents to be as independent as possible whilst helping with any of their needs – however large or small.

We actively encourage residents to maintain and cultivate links with the local community to ensure they still maintain social mobility and variety in their lifestyles, which are fundamental to their overall wellbeing. We regularly have visits from church choirs, school and other local groups.

We are strong advocates of contact with friends, family and other relationships, and are always welcoming of visitors. We actively keep residents’ family and friends informed of any special events or days and regular activities with our newsletter. Person-centred care is extremely important to us so we have regular resident meetings, which family members are always welcome to attend.

We organise a range of activities designed to maintain people’s independence and enhance their quality of life.

Regular activities which people can choose to be involved in include music, dancing such as ‘Oomph’, armchair exercises, crafts, karaoke, quizzes and baking. We also have an upstairs function room which is transformed into our home cinema room, for residents to enjoy a variety of films. This room can also be utilised for birthday parties, anniversaries and other events. We also have a downstairs activities room where residents can enjoy hobbies and individual activities, which they previously did before coming to stay with us. Exterior entertainment is also arranged such as pantomimes, singers and musicians. Residents can choose to take trips out to the world famous Bury market, museums and other trips if they wish.